Over 250,000 educators have learned to
build relationships that produce results!
Teachworthy includes Capturing Kids’ Hearts-1 Training (CKH-1) for all candidates. CKH-1 gives you the skills and behavior processes that take classroom management to the next level.
Capturing Kids’ Hearts-1 Training is an immersive, participatory experience. Learn and practice the skills you will use and model in your classrooms, including:
- How to build meaningful, productive relationships with every student and every colleague.
- How to use the EXCEL Model of teaching to create a safe, effective environment for learning.
- How to develop self-managing, high-performing classrooms using team-building skills and a Social Contract.
- High payoff techniques for dealing with conflict, negative behavior, and disrespect issues.
How to register?
Once you apply with Teachworthy and are formally admitted, you can register to attend a CKH-1 event through your Teachworthy learning portal.
Why is CKH-1 included in Teachworthy?
Research has proven that healthy safe relationships in the classroom significantly improve learning. Neuroscience has validated that the learning centers of the brain are accessible when a student feels safe and emotionally connected. Teachworthy wants every child to succeed and every certified teacher to have the skills to reach this goal.